
What We Do

Mission and Ministry

The Sisters of Notre Dame strive to continue the mission of Jesus Christ to proclaim the Good News of God’s love. In our mission statement, we affirm that:

“As Sisters of Notre Dame, we proclaim God’s goodness and provident care…
…United in:

  • One heart
  • One hope
  • One mission

…Committed to global transformation”

We carry out this mission in a variety of ministries. For many years, our sisters have served in the areas of education, parish ministry and ministry to the poor and marginalized.


In education, we work as administrators, teachers and tutors in elementary schools, high schools and colleges. We also foster adult education, including literacy training.

For years, the the Sisters of Notre Dame from Chardon have been engaged in writing ministries related to education and catechesis, for example Faith and Freedom readers, and Our Quest for Happiness. We also wrote the Christ Our Life religion series to meet the need for books that taught elementary school children the faith in a comprehensive, progressive way. The series was first published in 1973 and grew to include a preschool program. Adopted by many schools throughout the United States and English-speaking countries, the series was revised several times. Today it continues to benefit catechists, parents, and children. For information go to http://www.loyolapress.com/christ-our-life-2009-religion-program-store.htm

Parish Ministry

Many of our sisters work in parishes, particularly in catechesis, faith formation, pastoral ministry and evangelization. Our sisters direct religious education programs, plan programs for adult faith formation and spiritual development, visit the sick, counsel parishioners and coordinate evangelization and social justice programs.

Ministry to the poor and marginalized

In addition to providing education in urban areas, our sisters reach out to the poor and marginalized through a variety of ministries. For example, sisters administer a home for children whose families are in crisis, work in a women’s shelter, counsel persons with mental illness, engage in prison ministry, serve in hospices and aid sick and elderly persons.

Emerging Ministries

As we respond to the needs of God’s people, the Sisters of Notre Dame are moving into new areas of ministry.

Health Care

Today our sisters also serve in hospitals and hospices, where they offer spiritual comfort and bereavement support, and counsel persons with mental illness.

Corporate Stances on JPIC issues

Our province has taken two corporate stances on issues flowing from Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. Through our “Water for Life” initiative, we have helped to insure clean water for small villages throughout Asia and Africa. We are involved in the movement to end human trafficking, and have raised awareness of this issue.

Spiritual Development

Some of our sisters guide people in their spiritual development. Several sisters minister on college campuses, guiding young adults to discern their vocation in life. Many of our sisters offer spiritual direction to those seeking to grow in their relationship with God. One of our greatest blessings has been the number of persons who have joined our association program, choosing to live out the charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame in their own lives.

Writing Ministries Expand to Social Media

Our sisters continue to use their talents in writing books and articles dealing with education and spirituality. With the emergence of internet communication, our sisters have become involved in writing for our own website, as well as in support of social justice issues.