Pray With Us
Reflection is a critical part of our community life, and we hope to share some of it with you. Follow this space for podcasts of Sr. Mary Kathleen Burns’ talks, and keep up with Sr. Marie Paul Grech on our group blog. Click below to join us!
News & Events
This is a test.... Reflection is a critical part of our community life, and we hope to share some of it with you.…
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Join Us for a Festival
Test -- Young women who are interested in learning more about women’s religious life are encouraged to schedule a visit with the sisters.…
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Test Post Event 1
test text goes here..Since our arrival in California in 1924, the Sisters of Notre Dame have founded and administered in more than 20…
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Visit Our Blogs
Many of our sisters are active online and maintain blogs about ministry and different aspects of our Catholic faith and spirituality. Click the images below to visit our blogs!